Perfect Horizon - Straighten and rotate your videos
You thought you shot that perfect video just to find out that it's not straight and it's rotated the wrong way. Yikes. No problem. Perfect Horizon to the rescue. Straighten and rotate your videos just like you are used to do with photos in the Photos app. You can even do it from within the Photos app using the included extension. Perfect Horizon is available for macOS and iOS so you can rotate and straighten your videos where it suits you best. No ads, no subscriptions. Pay once (per platform) and rotate forever!
Note! The free version only exports the 5 first seconds of your videos.
Note! The free version only exports the 5 first seconds of your videos.
Made for macOS. Requires macOS 10.13+
See what's new in this version.
Made for iOS. Requires iOS 11.4+
See what's new in this version.
How to use
Perfect Horizon is really, really easy to use. It works almost exactly like you are used to with photos in the Photos app. Open a video, rotate and straighten, save, done! It's as simple as that. Check out this little screencast for more info.
Photos extension
Rotate and straighten your videos using the built-in extension for the Photos app. Check out this screencast on how to enable the extension and make the process even easier than using the stand alone app.
A familiar interface
A hard task made simple using an interface much like the one found in Apples Photos app. It looks and works the same on macOS and iOS.